"I Want What She's Got !"
Robyne Voyce & Rudolf Boelee
NG Gallery, 6 June -7 July, 2007
Text: Bill Dudley
Images: Robyne Voyce and Rudolf Boelee
Christchurch artists Robyne Voyce and Rudolf Boelee present their new exhibition "I Want What She's Got !" at NG gallery. The title of the show refers to the eternal quest for the desirable and the glamorous. The exhibition is the latest in a series of shows by the pair, dating back to 1997.
Robyne Voyce "Fabric Constructions"
For fabric artist Robyne Voyce, this new body of work continues on themes and directions she employed in her 2004 exhibition "Bryndwr 17". That show marked a journey back in time to early childhood in order to make sense out of the present. Voyce's previous vocation as a furniture and fashion designer and her careful treatment of fabrics continue to inform her artistic practice.
The works for "I Want What She's Got !" are a series of multi panel Op Art inspired vintage fabric compositions, highly polished, with fine attention to detail. Op Art also referred to as geometric abstraction or hard-edge abstraction. This style was derived from the constructivist practices of the Bauhaus. The nineteen twenties German school, founded by Walter Gropius, stressed the relationship of form and function within a framework of analysis and rationality. For Robyne Voyce, her works are dominated by the same concerns of figure-ground movement. Her approach is more sculptural then painterly, in the way the original vintage fabric designs have been reassembled in unexpected and powerful compositions.
This is a very strong exhibition, that shows the artist in control of her media, well conceived in its installation, with a great feel for integrating her works into the multi purpose use (cafe and high fashion) of the space.